Friday, April 18, 2014

Writers' Block-Brain Constipation Cure

I love Otis Redding, Travis Tritt, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Louis Armstrong, Adele, Katy Perry--so I kind of have an eclectic taste in music--it's really how the music feels in my body.

When (which is rare) my brain is only producing "cardboard tasting" words--I love adjectives *sigh*. My go to guy for words is #Eminem. His music blasts the "accepted" clean, tight, writing  framework out of my head. Man, I love that kid. We lived in two different times, but we share a similar past and I know words must "snap" and even have flavor and fragrance naturally in his spirit and brain. I love this kid. I listen, the flavor, energy, and passion of my own words come back and reclaim my brain. I feel whole.
Try this one:

He uses "R" rated words--Just FYI    
Thanks Eminem--your a fantastic artist and man.

Writers take a spirit and brain vacation--Honors to Otis Redding Forever