Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Great Article! At the bottom you cans Subscribe via Kindle!

Top 5 Excuses That May Be Stopping You from Writing a Book (via Spirit Authors Marketing & Publishing Tips for Authors)

Author and book marketer Lynn Serafinn tackles the most common excuses she hears from aspiring authors, with tips for how to move past them and write your book. Over the years, I’ve worked with authors at many stages of their writing development.…


Monday, October 21, 2013

How to look good over the age of 40(woops 47)

This is how to look good over 40 plus---really interesting.

Anthony Robbins - Who Do You Think You Are? Six human Needs.

Six Human Needs discussed to break a bad pattern/create great pattern. It's also about leadership of  others but self first.

I needed to listen to this video again. (It's silly, I mimic and give this speech with the sound off now--I've heard it so many times and see if I can get the gestures and facial expressions. Seriously, changing your body's posture and not only saying something in positive manner, but putting your body into that positive posturing--makes the emotion "stick" or "access" quicker and quicker. Emotion is motion-you have to change or move your body to change your state. Just sayin'. Peace.

1. See it as it is-but not worse than it is.
2. See it better than it is (and set that as your standard)
3. Make it that way--take massive action. Be resourceful.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

"The Way Back" 2010 Movie

www.facebook.com/pages/Ed-Harris/169442939788038 (I love Ed Harris)

I just finished watching, "The Way Back" 2010 Directed by P. Weir and starring Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Colin Farrell. The story is based on "true events". Word War II POWs escape and cross (on foot) Siberia, the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas to get to civilization.

It appealed to me because of the characters portrayed. Why did one turn around and head back towards his captors? The characters that did not survive. Was it the extreme end of the human body's ability to endure? Or was it the human spirit and any combination of reasons that this small group did the impossible. Anyway, the premise of the story-top notch. The writing got weak at times and I think spent too much time in some scenes on the mundane without the scene telling anything about the characters. The actors, carried the weak parts and were absolutely top-notch.

Is it worth seeing-absolutely. First thing you should know about how I rate movies is a scale of 1/5. 1 awful and 5 (rare). A rating of 3 to 4. Definitely worth the watch.
I give "The Way Back" a 3.25/5.
Movies that I have rated a 4 or more: Slum dog Millionaire; GranTorino; and The Guardian.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Doug Balmain - "Dancin' With The Devil"

This is one of Doug Balmain's songs. I like it, but I love his song "Home". He's a new artist. Give him some support. Peace!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Sleepless in Singapore: Kickin It At My Crib

Sleepless in Singapore: Kickin It At My Crib: My favourite niece Georgina sends me SMS messages and she asks me “howzit goin dawg?” She will also often ...

I love this article--Don't miss it!

Tony Robbins - Love and Passion

My husband filed for divorce early 2013. The divorce will be final sometime in December 2013. I have a hole in me that a 747 could fly through where he used to be. I would give anything to have this intervention before he filed for divorce or even before it is final. Still, with Tony Robbins other life-strategies featured on YouTube, I don't live in that grief. It takes work to implement these life-strategies.
So I re-watch his videos on all other parts of life, and for me, his other life strategies once I put them into action, are changing my life and my outlook.
 I am just beginning to lead an audacious and fulfilled life. I'd give anything if it was with my husband. So if you have a relationship;even a good one; I'd like to suggest you watch this video and his others on Emotional Mastery--and any other Tony Robbins videos or his books.

 Do I believe I'll have love again? Yes, I can bring much more to the "table" than he or I did in our marriage. Right now, I'm hoping for a miracle that my marriage can be saved--But I don't live there either. I am putting in the effort to better myself, and if the judge's gavel falls on our marriage, and the marriage is over, the new changes in myself will already be in place and growing. I found my passion again - telling and writing stories (books)--My words and my stories are my Plan A. Thanks Tony Robbins.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Anthony Robbins The Power of Chunking

All though he is speaking about how to want/enjoy to exercise; but it applies to my writing. See how it applies to you. I listened; then took notes; and I'm writing. *Grin*

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tony Robbins Helps Jacob Overcome His Fears - Oprah's Lifeclass - Oprah ...

Watch what Tony Robbins brings out of this man towards his "woman". I want that. I want it and I'm not settling for anything less from anyone or myself. Thank you Oprah and Tony Robbins.
If you agree for yourself or me please post Aye!