Monday, December 16, 2013

Girls' speech that stopped the leaders of the world for five minutes

1 comment:

  1. #Severn Suzuke
    This speech was given twelve years ago. Hard to believe so much time has passed. I want to find the young people of today and commend and promote the good and courageous deeds they do. I saw this video by a fluke and noted the "hecklers" and the "haters" among the comments. It's like we unintentionally say to these kids, "Hey, great job, but we'll leave your public good deeds for you to deal with on your own.' I don't think addressing the "hecklers" and "haters" is useful. Just posting support and commendation for these "good-kids" and keep "recycling" the good thinks so the kids can have confidence we will back them and not make the kids who do heinous things the biggest discussion on the internet. Just sayin'. Peace.
