Sunday, October 20, 2013

"The Way Back" 2010 Movie (I love Ed Harris) 

I just finished watching, "The Way Back" 2010 Directed by P. Weir and starring Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Colin Farrell. The story is based on "true events". Word War II POWs escape and cross (on foot) Siberia, the Gobi Desert and the Himalayas to get to civilization.

It appealed to me because of the characters portrayed. Why did one turn around and head back towards his captors? The characters that did not survive. Was it the extreme end of the human body's ability to endure? Or was it the human spirit and any combination of reasons that this small group did the impossible. Anyway, the premise of the story-top notch. The writing got weak at times and I think spent too much time in some scenes on the mundane without the scene telling anything about the characters. The actors, carried the weak parts and were absolutely top-notch.

Is it worth seeing-absolutely. First thing you should know about how I rate movies is a scale of 1/5. 1 awful and 5 (rare). A rating of 3 to 4. Definitely worth the watch.
I give "The Way Back" a 3.25/5.
Movies that I have rated a 4 or more: Slum dog Millionaire; GranTorino; and The Guardian.

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