My divorce was final February 13, 2014. The divorce was the "dark night of the soul"-a year or more of endurance and personal growth-So changing my name (the spelling of Gwen to Gwyn) and my last name to Huff has personal significance of survival and hope.
I'm not blaming my ex-husband although that has taken a lot of work. I watch Tony Robbins just about everyday on YouTube. His life strategies put actual steps I needed to accomplish to take responsibility for my own life. I believe to the bone that if you blame someone else for your current circumstances (even if they are guilty-chuckle-not really) then you give your power away to change your circumstances, because you can't change anyone but yourself.
I am a storyteller. When I was a child living with my birth parents and five younger brothers and sisters, "keeping the kids quiet" was often my responsibility. Reading stories to them wasn't often an option. So I became a story-inventor and adapted fairytales and books I had read and eventually told them my own. Later, my biological parents went to prison; my father for a long, long time. My siblings and I were separated and moved into different foster homes, adoptive homes, and to relatives. I married young and continued to tell and read stories to my own children. All my children were great readers, and I was very happy about that--I learned as a small child that if you are having a problem, someone else has had the same problem, and there is a book "out there" that will tell you how to solve the problem.
I started writing at a very early age and studied writing all my life. I've had a trilogy and few shorts published in 2008 by a small publishing house under a pseudonym. Unfortunately, I wish they hadn't been published! I still had so much to learn about writing--and I am currently in my new circumstances-learning more about the process. The internet, especially Youtube and certain blogs and sites, gives a writer so much information and learning experiences that would otherwise be impossible for a disabled person to "attend".
So, I share videos about plotting, writing, books, authors, characterization and writing "teachers" on the internet and my own experiences. You'll see a lot of Tony Robbins, the life strategist, on my blog. I think a lot of his strategies help writers and artists especially. So remember Gwyn Huff. Peace!
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